Liability for contents
The content of our pages has been edited with the upmost care. Nevertheless, we can provide no guarantee for the correctness, completeness and actuality of the content.
As a service provider we are responsible for our own content on these pages in accordance with § 6 para.1 MDStV (German Federal Media Services Agreement) and § 8 para.1 TDG (German Tele-services Act) as well as according to general law. However, service providers are not obliged to investigate third party information transferred or stored by them or, dependent on circumstances, to determine if such information points to an unlawful act. Obligations for the removal or blocking the use of information in accordance with general law remain unaffected by this. Liability in this respect is however only possible from the time of knowledge of a concrete breach of the law. If we become aware of any such breach, we will immediately remove such content.
Liability for links
Our website contains links to the external web page of third parties, over the content of which we have no influence. Thus we can provide no guarantee as to the accuracy of the contents of such third-party content. The provider or operator of the linked pages is always responsible for their content. The linked pages were checked at the time of creation of the link for any possible breaches of the law. No illegal content was detected at the time of creation of the link. Continuous monitoring of the content of the linked pages is however, without concrete evidence of a legal infringement, not reasonably possible. Once we become aware of any such legal infringements, we will immediately remove the relevant links.